Namibia CPI – August 2016


The Namibian annual inflation rate slowed down to 6.8% in August, down from 7.0% in July. On a month on month basis, prices continued to rise, up 0.2% after the 0.6% uptick seen last month. On a year on year basis, five of the basket categories increased at a faster pace in this month than in July, which were offset by a slowdown in prices of the remaining categories. The biggest contributor to inflation on an annual basis was housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, while food and non-alcoholic beverages was the biggest contributor on a monthly basis.


Prices in the food and non-alcoholic beverages basket category decreased 0.2% in August, after an increase of 1.0% was recorded over the preceding month. On a year-on-year basis, inflation in this category also slowed to 11.5%, down from 12.2% when compared to July. The slowdown of food and non-alcoholic beverages inflation was driven by easing of price increases across the majority of the sub-components, with only sugar, jam & honey and coffee, tea & cocoa rising relatively more quickly. Despite the slowdown in price increases, prices of almost all the sub-components are increasing at double digits, which can largely be ascribed to the drought currently experienced in Namibia and South Africa as is reflected by price increases of fruit, vegetables and grain products such as bread & cereals.

Transport, as the third largest basket category by weight, made the second largest contribution to monthly inflation. On a monthly basis transport saw an increase in prices of 0.5% compared to a 1.6% increase in July.  On annual basis price inflation of the transport category increased to 3.4%, up from 3.3% in July, significant above last year’s average of -2.1%.

The annual inflation rate for the category housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels eased to 8.0% in August, down from 8.2% in July, however, up from 2.3% recorded in August last year. On a monthly basis this category has seen an increase of 0.2% in August when compared to 0.9% in July. Rapid price increases have been seen in this basket category mainly as a result of increases in inflation for water supply, sewage services and refuse collection after the City of Windhoek increased water tariffs in July. Price increases for rentals and other dwellings have been extremely low for a number of years, as reported by the National Statistics Agency (NSA), and the sudden spike at the beginning of the year has largely resulted in the elevated level of annual inflation we are currently seeing.

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco as the fourth largest category recorded a slowdown in annual inflation of 1.0% from July to 5.6% in August 2016. On a month on month basis, prices in this category decreased slightly, down 0.1%. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco inflation has been consistently above the average inflation figure for most of the last five years when looked at on an annual basis, more consistently so than almost any other basket category.


Inflation expectations for the upcoming fiscal year are notably higher than was the case in 2015. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, major rand weakens through 2015 has driven up the cost of imports into the Common Monetary Area in rand terms; secondly, oil prices, which fell dramatically through 2014 and 2015 now appear to be stabilising, and the pass-through of base effects is likely to see an upward rebasing in inflation; third, rand weakness and other factors have driven up costs for many services in the country, including many critical utilities such as electricity and water; fourth, drought and poor harvests in the region mean that food prices are likely to increase, particularly if basic grain imports are required; and fifth, increasing interest rates are likely to see some pass-through of increased borrowing costs to consumers, and reduce consumer disposable income.

The first half of 2016 saw notably higher inflation than was the case through 2015, primarily for the aforementioned reasons, as well as a notable increase in rental inflation rates. The same inflation pickup was seen in both Namibia and South Africa, with South Africa’s inflation moving out of the target 3-6% band for the first time in over 18 months, prompting interest rate tightening from the South African Reserve Bank.

Contrary to popular belief, we are of the view that inflation will remain relatively high for the rest of the year, and into 2017. This view is primarily driven by the enormous administered price increases we have seen for services over recent months. Municipal services, water and electricity have all seen at least high-teen percentage increases in prices over the past few months. These increases will remain for the next 12 months, until the base is reset with their inclusion. These increases are likely to more than offset the improvement in transport inflation due to a stronger rand, and the expected slowing of increases in food prices due to more favourable grain prices.

Due to the aforementioned factors, we have revised our inflation expectations for 2016 up to 6.5% (6.3% in the first half of the year) from our previous expectation of 5.8%. The main reason for the major increase comes from the increase seen in administered prices, but also the large step-up in rental inflation seen since January 2016. As this is recorded once a year, the current high inflation for rental payments, at 7%, up from 1.5% in 2015, will provide buoyancy to the overall inflation number for the rest of the year.

Building Plans – August 2016


A total of 177 building plans were approved in August to the value of N$269.4 million. On a year-to-date basis, the City of Windhoek has approved 1,141 building plans, a significant decrease when compared to the 1,759 plans approved over the same period last year. However, the dollar value of building plans approved on a year-to-date basis stood at N$1.403 billion in August, down only 0.5% or N$6.4 million over the comparable period last year.


Majority of building plans approved, were for plans of additions to existing structures. Year to date, a total of 935 building plans for additions were approved in August, 439 less plans when compared to the same period last year and 466 less when compared to the average ytd figure over the last 10 years. From a value perspective however, N$705.7 million worth of additions were approved year to date, which compares to N$659.6 million over the same period last year and N$476.1 million average ytd figure since 2006

Year to date,136 less residential units were approved when compared to 287 over the same period last year and 141 less than the ytd average since 2006. In dollar terms, N$324.8 million worth of residential plans were approved year to date, more or less in line with the N$339.8 million over the same period in 2015 and N$328.3 million average ytd figure over the last ten years.

The number of commercial units approved in 2016 so far amounted to 55, valued at N$372.5 million. This compares to 98 units, valued at N$410 million over the same period last year. On average over the last 10 years, 52 commercial units, valued at N$286.9 million were approved year to date.


The 12-month cumulative number of building plans approved continued trending down in August, as depicted by the graph below.  On a 12-month cumulative basis, 1,849 building plans were approved in August, 30.2% less than the same measure for August last year. In value terms however, 12-month cumulative value of plans approved in August was 8.8% higher than the value of plans approved over the same period last year, at N$2.190 billion. The 12-month cumulative number of building plans approved has fallen to a level last seen in November 1997, with most of this drop happening during the last 18 months. As a leading indicator for economic activity in the country this reinforces our view that we will see economic growth slow in 2016 and possibly beyond.


The slowdown in the number of building plans approved has been largely driven by a lack of serviceable land in Windhoek as opposed to the popular belief that water restrictions in the Khomas region has been the causal factor. Furthermore, there have been no water restrictions imposed on construction activities around Windhoek. The Municipality has indicated that, there is a high demand for land, but little land left around Windhoek that can be developed.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the lack of available land has contributed to a large extent to the number of additions applied for over the last 15 years as well as limiting the amount of new plans applied for. As property prices increase due to lack of supply so does the number of people living under one roof which may then lead to additional space added to existing buildings. Children stay with their parents for longer, and families accommodate members who cannot afford to rent, etc. The fact that we have seen a steady decline in additions on a cumulative basis over the last two or so years suggests that value addition to existing properties has become significantly less affordable and that the gains from such additions are now much less pronounced than before.


Going forward, affordability issues are likely to mean that the lack of availability of land will become an even bigger issue than it is at present. In the past the lack of available land has driven increases in property prices, but the limit of affordability is currently being tested, and thus property prices are unlikely to increase at the accelerated rate seen previously.

Half-year revision of our growth expectations

At the beginning of the year, we believed that some growth could be expected in the construction sector, following what we believe will be a large contraction in 2015, mostly due to base effect as a result of three big mines constructed through 2014. However, this view was based on the expectation that we would see the commencement of a number of large government projects during the year, including water and energy projects. We have now revised this view, and believe that these projects will not start until later years. In the meantime, Government has also cut the capital budget aggressively. The slowdown seen in the number of building plans approved also suggest difficult times ahead for the construction industry.   As a result, we have revised down our growth forecast for the construction industry for the year, expecting a contraction of 4.5%.

Fitch Revises Outlook on 4 Namibian Corporates to Negative

The below press release is from the Fitch Ratings website:

Fitch Ratings-London-12 September 2016: Fitch Ratings has revised the Outlooks on the Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) and National Long-Term Ratings of four Namibian corporates to Negative from Stable. A full list of rating actions is below.

The rating actions follow the revision of the Outlook on Namibia’s Long-Term IDRs and National Long-Term ratings to Negative from Stable (see ‘Fitch Revises Namibia’s Outlook to Negative; Affirms at ‘BBB-‘; dated 02 September 2016 at Fitch’s assessment of fundamental issuer-specific credit considerations remains unchanged.

Namibian Ports Authority and Namibia Power Corporation’s ratings remain aligned to those of the Namibian sovereign, based on Fitch’s assessment of its legal, operational and strategic ties with the state as strong in accordance with the agency’s ‘Parent and Subsidiary Rating Linkage’ criteria.

Namibia Water Corporation’s (NamWater) linkage with the Namibian remains strong in accordance with the agency’s ‘Parent and Subsidiary Rating Linkage’ criteria. However, the lack of strong legal links means that we would view the links as supporting the utility’s rating at one notch below the sovereign rating. As such, NamWater’s standalone profile drives the ratings. The Outlook on NamWater’s ratings is now constrained by the Outlook on Namibia’s ratings.

Fitch applies its parent subsidiary linkage criteria to Telecom Namibia’s ratings, which are notched down two levels from Namibia’s Long-Term Local Currency IDR of ‘BBB-‘.

For each issuer’s Key Rating Drivers, Rating Sensitivities and Key Assumptions see the recent rating action commentaries (RACs), referenced below.

The rating actions are as follows:
Namibian Ports Authority
National Long-Term rating affirmed at ‘AA+(zaf)’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
National Short-Term rating affirmed at ‘F1+(zaf)’

See ‘Fitch Upgrades NamPort to ‘AA-(zaf); Outlook Stable’, dated 22 June 2015 at for Key Rating Drivers and Rating Sensitivities.

Namibia Power Corporation (Proprietary) Limited
Long-Term Foreign Currency IDR affirmed at ‘BBB-‘; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-Term Foreign Currency IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
National Long-Term rating affirmed at ‘AA+(zaf)’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
National Short-Term rating affirmed at ‘F1+(zaf)’

See ‘Fitch Affirms NamPower at ‘BBB-‘; Outlook Stable’, dated 14 June 2016 at for Key Rating Drivers and Rating Sensitivities.

Namibia Water Corporation
Long-Term Foreign Currency IDR affirmed at ‘BBB-‘; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-Term Foreign Currency IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
Long-Term Local Currency IDR: affirmed at ‘BBB-‘; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
Short-Term Local Currency IDR: affirmed at ‘F3’
National Long-Term rating affirmed at ‘AA+(zaf)’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
National Short-Term rating affirmed at ‘F1+(zaf)’
Long-Term senior unsecured rating affirmed at ‘BBB-‘
National senior unsecured rating affirmed at ‘AA+(zaf)’

See ‘Fitch Rates NamWater’s NAD200m Senior Unsecured Bonds at ‘BBB”, dated 12 May 2015 at for full rating rationale and disclosures.

Telecom Namibia Limited
Long-Term Local Currency IDR: affirmed at ‘BB’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable
National Long-Term rating affirmed at ‘A-(zaf)’; Outlook revised to Negative from Stable

See ‘Fitch Affirms Telecom Namibia at ‘BB+’; Outlook Stable’, dated 25 September 2015 at for full rating rationale and disclosures.

See the relevant RAC for each issuer referenced above.

See the relevant RAC for each issuer referenced above.

Future developments that could result in a downgrade include:
– A failure to narrow the fiscal deficit leading to continued rise in the government debt/GDP ratio.
– Failure to narrow the current account deficit or significant drawdown in international reserves.
– Deterioration in economic growth, for example, due to a worsening of the business environment.

Future developments that could result in the Outlook being revised to Stable include:
– A narrowing of the budget deficit consistent with a stabilisation of the government debt/GDP ratio.
-A marked improvement in the current account balance and increase in foreign exchange reserves.

Principal Analyst
Richard Barrow (Namibia Power Corporation, Namibia Water Corporation, Telecom Namibia Limited)
+44 20 3530 1256

Principal Analyst
Yeshvir Singh (Namibian Ports Authority)
Associate Director
+44 20 3530 1810

Supervisory Analyst
Yeshvir Singh (Namibia Power Corporation, Namibia Water Corporation, Telecom Namibia Limited)
Associate Director
+44 20 3530 1810
Fitch Ratings Limited
30 North Colonnade
London E14 5GN

Supervisory Analyst
Shyamali Rajivan (Namibian Ports Authority)
+44 20 3530 1733
Fitch Ratings Limited
30 North Colonnade
London E14 5GN

Committee Chairperson
Josef Pospisil, CFA
Managing Director
+44 20 3530 1287

Media Relations: Peter Fitzpatrick, London, Tel: +44 20 3530 1103, Email:

Additional information is available on For regulatory purposes in various jurisdictions, the supervisory analyst named above is deemed to be the primary analyst for this issuer; the principal analyst is deemed to be the secondary.