Twitter Timeline
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- Calculators (1)
- Company Research (288)
- Capricorn Investment Group (49)
- FirstRand Namibia (52)
- Letshego Holdings Namibia (24)
- Mobile Telecommunications Limited (7)
- NamAsset (3)
- Namibia Breweries (45)
- Oryx Properties (56)
- Paratus Namibia Holdings (6)
- SBN Holdings Limited (16)
- Economic Research (605)
- BoN MPC Meetings (8)
- Budget (19)
- Building Plans (129)
- Inflation (130)
- Other (28)
- Outlook (17)
- Presentations (2)
- Private Sector Credit Extension (128)
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- IJG Elephant Book (12)
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- Team Commentary (247)
- Danie van Wyk (61)
- Dylan van Wyk (27)
- Eric van Zyl (16)
- Hugo van den Heever (1)
- Leon Maloney (11)
- Top of Mind (4)
- Zane Feris (9)
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- Valuation (3,755)
- Asset Performance (103)
- IJG All Bond Index (1,689)
- IJG Daily Valuation (1,531)
- Weekly Yield Curve (431)