NCPI – June 2017

Annual inflation declined to 6.1% y/y in June, 0.2% y/y lower than in May, while prices increased by 0.1% m/m, similar to the price level increase witnessed in May. The slowdown in annual inflation was caused mainly by moderation in the price inflation levels of transport and alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Of the twelve basket items, four saw a higher annual inflation rate than the previous month, three remained relatively unchanged, while five categories saw lower rates of price increases. Prices for goods increased by 4.5% y/y while prices for services grew by 8.2% y/y.

Housing and utilities remains the largest contributor to annual inflation due to its large weighting in the basket and the effect of irregularly high rental increases of 9.7% in January. This category increased by 9.8% y/y but remained approximately unchanged month on month. Annual inflation for rental payments for dwelling remained at 9.6% in June and will likely remain this high for the rest of the year. Furthermore, the City of Windhoek has put into effect a 13% tariff increase on water consumption, effective the 1st of June, with a request for a 10% electricity tariff increase submitted to the Electricity Control Board (ECB) pending approval. With the increases in utilities now passed on to the consumer, we believe that this will most likely put upward pressure on this basket category going forward. We continue to expect the housing and utilities basket category to underpin overall inflation.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages, the second largest basket item in weighting, was the second largest contributor to annual inflation, accounting for 0.8% of the total inflation figure. Food and non-alcoholic beverage prices increased by 4.6% y/y, ticking up from the 3.6% recorded in May, still considerably below the peak of 13.2% witnessed in January. Bread and cereal prices have decreased by 2.8% y/y, while the price of vegetables decreased by 2.1% y/y and fruits now 6.3% more expensive on an annual basis.

Transport was the third largest contributor to annual inflation, accounting for 0.7% of the total 6.1% inflation figure. Transport prices increased by 5.0% y/y but remained flat month on month, with the yearly increase driven largely by the 5.8% y/y increase in the cost of operating personal transport equipment.

The alcohol and tobacco category displayed increases of 3.0% y/y with a decrease of 0.3% m/m in June versus 3.3% y/y and 0.1% m/m in May. The main driver in this basket category remains alcohol prices which increased by 3.2% y/y while tobacco was up 2.3% y/y. Inflation in this category remains very subdued despite the announcement of increased sin taxes in March.

Namibian inflation continues to decrease at a faster pace than was anticipated at the start of the year. A strengthening rand and a strong decline in food prices has seen inflation moderating substantially. Increased utilities consumption tariffs imposed by the City of Windhoek this month should change the dynamic towards a slight uptick in inflation going forward, this happening within the basket that is the largest contributor towards inflation.

New Vehicle Sales – June 2017

Vehicle sales remained lacklustre in June with 1,120 vehicles sold. This is a 24.0% decrease from the 1,606 vehicles sold in June of 2016 and a 3.5% m/m increase on the 1,179 vehicles sold in May. Year to date, 6,832 vehicles have been sold, 23.4% less than the corresponding period in 2016, making 2017 the slowest year for car sales since 2012. Of the 6,832 vehicles sold this year, 3,045 were passenger vehicles, 3,427 were light commercial vehicles, and 360 were medium or heavy commercial vehicles.

The declining trend in vehicle sales has been well established, contracting on a year on year basis since mid-2015. Passenger sales have decreased by 19.3% y/y, to 519 cars, while commercial sales have declined by 27.2% y/y. Of the 701 commercial automobiles sold in June: 595 were classified as light, 23 as medium and 83 as heavy. The uptick in heavy commercial vehicles, a 66.0% y/y increase on June 2016, is a positive signal as increased capital spending is a sign of improving business confidence. However, light and medium commercial vehicles remain in contractionary territory decreasing by 32.9% and 11.5% respectively.

On a twelve-month cumulative basis, vehicle sales have declined by 24.1%. Instalment credit, which is mainly used to finance vehicle purchases, has also been slowing considerably. Instalment credit advances grew by only 1.3% y/y in May, the lowest level on our records.

Year to date Toyota and Volkswagen continue to hold a strong market share in the passenger vehicle market based on the number of new vehicles sold, claiming 37% and 27% of the market respectively. They were followed by Ford and Mercedes at 6% and 4% respectively, while the rest of the passenger vehicle market continues to be shared by several competitors. Toyota also remains the leader in light commercial vehicle sales with 47% of the market, followed by Nissan at 15%. Ford and Isuzu claimed 12% and 10% of the number of light commercial vehicles sold in 2017.

Iveco is the leader of medium commercial vehicles with 31% of the market followed by Hino at 30%. In the heavy and extra heavy category, Scania and Mercedes have sold the most vehicles, claiming 27% and 17% of the market respectively. However, after a strong month, UD Trucks came in at a close third, cornering 16% of the number of vehicles sold in 2017.

The Bottom Line

Vehicle sales remained sluggish in June continuing the trend of the last two years. The reasons for the slowdown in sales have been well documented, lower government spending on capital assets, slower economic growth and disposable incomes as well as the credit agreement act have been identified as the main dampers on new vehicles sold. However, with some green shoots starting to appear in the local economy and the encouraging uptick in heavy commercial vehicle sales, as well as base effects, the current climate may improve over the coming year.

Building Plans – June 2017

A total of 182 building plans were approved in June, this too was the same total number of building plans approved in May. Though there was no change in the number of plans approved, there has been a significant change in the value of plans approved during June, totalling N$295.8 million, in contrast to the N$655.5 million recorded in May. A total 17 buildings with a value of N$36.6 million were completed during the month. The year to date value of approved building plans currently stands at N$1.45 billion, 52% higher than the corresponding period in 2016. On a twelve-month cumulative basis, 1,848 building plans were approved worth approximately N$2.47 billion, 20.5% higher than the preceding twelve-month period.

The majority of the number of building plan approvals were made up of additions to properties. 159 plans were approved in June, up from the 143 approved in May. Year to date, 755 additions to properties were approved with a value of N$613 million, 40.3% more in value terms than the corresponding period in 2016.

New residential units approved perennially is the second largest contributor to building plans approved. 158 residential units have been approved year to date, 49 more than during the corresponding period in 2016. In dollar terms, N$282.7 million worth of residential plans were approved, 24.8% higher than in the corresponding period in 2016. The increased activity in the residential sector is quite encouraging to see, indicating that demand persists for housing from the middle-income consumer.

The number of commercial units approved in 2017 amounted to 17, valued at N$561.3 million. This compares to 36 units valued at N$295.1 million approved over the same period in 2016. Only 1 building valued at N$10 million was approved in June. Bearing in mind that we are only half way into the year, value of plans approved already exceeds the total approvals recorded for the whole of 2016. This coming off the back of 1 commercial plan approval valued at N$500 million in May, set for construction to take place in the Windhoek CBD area.

The 12-month cumulative number of building plans approved has ticked up slightly in June. It however remains low at half of the September 2013 peak. In the last twelve months 1,848 building plans were approved, 7.3% less than the same measure for June 2016.

Government has managed to source funding in the form of a N$3 billion loan from the African Development Bank (AfDB). Treasury revealed recently that it plans to pump more than N$2.5 billion into the Namibian economy in the coming months. This will be done through the settlement of outstanding invoices, with hopes of easing the financial squeeze felt in the country. Already we’ve seen improvement in commercial banks liquidity position, which should imply banks having increased levels of loanable funds to be made available to the consumer. The struggling construction sector is set to be the largest recipient of the envisaged settlements owed by government. These positive developments support the relative increase in the number of plans approved for additions and new residential approvals which continue to be the two biggest contributors of growing approvals and completions.