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Category Archives: Economic Research
PSCE – January 2018
Private sector credit extension (PSCE) increased by N$344.0 million or 0.38% m/m in January, bringing the cumulative credit outstanding at the end of 2017 to N$90.6 billion. On a y/y basis, private sector credit extension increased by 5.0% in January, slower when compared to the 5.2% y/y growth recorded in December. From a rolling 12-month basis, N$4.3 billion worth of credit was extended to the private sector, with individuals stacking up N$3.6 billion worth of debt while N$596 million was extended to corporates. Claims on non-resident private sector credit increased by N$119.3 million y/y.
Credit extension to households
Credit extended to households increased by 7.2% y/y in January and on a m/m basis, household credit extension rose by 0.5% in January. The month on month increase in household debt can attributed to the increase in overdraft facilities of 3.8% or N$115.8 million in January, following a contraction of 1.4% in December. Installment credit remains depressed, contracting by 2.5% y/y and 0.4% m/m. Fewer consumer discretionary income is being directed towards installment credit, which is the largely used in financing vehicle purchases. Depresses consumer confidence and tighter credit controls imposed on vehicle financing have been the main driver of the decline in new vehicle sales. The Cumulative 12-month vehicle sales have declined by 17.8% y/y. The value of mortgage loans extended to individuals have by 7.7% y/y and 0.2% m/m.
Credit extension to corporates
Credit extension to corporates increased by 0.3% m/m in January, slower than the 0.8% m/m increase in December. Year on year credit extension to corporates grew 1.7% in January, one percent slower than the increase in growth from the 2.7% y/y in December. Installment credit extended to corporates, which has been contracting since February 2017 on an annual basis remained depressed, contracting by 7.9% y/y in January. Leasing transactions to corporations contracted further in January by 7.6% y/y following the 17.2% y/y decline in December. Overdraft facilities extended to corporates increased by 5.3% m/m and 4.8% y/y.
Banking Sector Liquidity
The overall liquidity position of commercial banks declined by N$1.2 million from N$3.1 billion in December to N$1.9 billion in January. The decrease in the liquidity position is attributed to periodic corporate tax payments made to Inland Revenue in January. BoN’s repo facility has been utilized consistently since mid-December and although average repos decreased from N$726 million in December to N$644 million for January, the use of the facility is an indication that commercial banks are facing challenges in terms of liquidity.
Reserves and money supply
Foreign reserves declined by N$1.3 billion, bringing down reserve levels to N$28.3 billion in January from N$29.7 billion in December. According to the Bank of Namibia the decline in reserves is attributed to the maturities of foreign currency denominated debt that matured in January.
Private sector credit extension growth had slowed markedly in 2017. PSCE continues to slow at the start of 2018 taking its cue from 2017 as a result of lower demand for credit and lower supply thereof. The introduction of the new provisions a directed by IFRS9, with regards to the calculation of credit impairments is set to have a significant effect on the availability of credit this year. Stagnant interest rates have not provided consumers or business the much-desired relief, following only one rate cut in August last year. Moody’s decision on SA’s local and foreign currency rating is set for the end of March, with the SARB very likely to hold off any change in interest rates until that decision is made known. The positive change in leadership in SA, and the positives from last months budget provide for optimism that SA might stave off a ratings downgrade from Moody’s. SA surviving a credit ratings downgrade coupled with moderating inflation might well open the door for the SARB to cut rates and for the BoN to in follow in similar fashion.
New Vehicle Sales – January 2018
881 New vehicles were sold in January, which represents a 5.6% m/m increase from the 834 sold in December. This is however 0.5% lower than the 885 new vehicles sold in January 2017. From a rolling 12-month basis, a total of 13,195 new vehicles were sold at January 2018 representing a contraction of 17.8% from the 16,043 sold over the same period in 2017 and as illustrated below, 2018 is getting off to a slow start.
A total of 427 new passenger vehicles were sold during January, increasing by 14.8% m/m and 10.6% y/y. January 2018 has so far registered a better start to the year. The previous two years have both recorded a y/y and m/m decline. Passenger vehicle sales have been impacted in large by amendments to the Credit Act that requires tighter credit conditions, as well as by reduced government expenditure and depressed consumer confidence in the current economic climate.
Commercial vehicle sales declined to 454 units, a 1.7% m/m, and 9.0% y/y contraction. For January, 427 light commercial vehicles, 14 medium commercial vehicles, and 13 heavy commercial vehicles were sold. On a year on year basis light commercial sales have declined by 9.1%, medium commercial sales started the year as they did in 2017 and heavy and extra heavy sales have decreased by 13.3%.
Toyota is starting off 2018 with a firm grasp on the market for new vehicle sales with a 43% share of the passenger vehicle market followed by Volkswagen with 19%. Toyota also remained the leader in the light commercial vehicle space with a 62% market share with Nissan in second place with a 11% share.
The Bottom Line
Cumulative new vehicle sales have been on the decline since December 2015 and continues its downward trend in January to its lowest level since March 2012. The current recessionary environment coupled with the reduction in government spending is further highlighted by depressed business and consumer confidence. Tighter credit controls have limited the amount of credit available that is used to finance vehicle purchases, slowing private credit extension, particularly instalment credit, proves as testament to the decline. Lower levels of capital expenditure from corporates remains worrisome, while relief for business and consumers alike rest on the renewed optimism in SA, now under new leadership, which might well avoid a ratings downgrade and possibly opening the door to a rate cutting cycle.