Oryx Properties Limited Trading Statement – FY15

In compliance with the Namibian Stock Exchange (‘NSX’) Listings Requirements, Oryx Properties Limited unitholders are advised that the total comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2015 will be substantially higher (greater than a 30%) and the net asset value (‘NAV’) per linked unit as at 30 June 2015 will be materially higher (between 10% and 30%) in relation to the comparative period. The positive fair value adjustment   to   the  investment   property   portfolio,   as  determined by an independent valuer, is the main reason for the increase in the total comprehensive income and net asset value per linked unit.

The interest distribution will remain unaffected as the changes in fair value of investment properties are unrealised gains, which are transferred to non-distributable reserves.

This trading statement has not been reviewed or reported on by Oryx’s external auditors. The release of the announcement of the reviewed results for the year ended 30 June 2015 is expected to be published on or about 24 August 2015.

ORYX PROPERTIES LIMITED – Notice of a general meeting of unitholders

Namibia Stock Exchange (NAM) Date: Jul 10 2015 12:00:19
ORYX PROPERTIES LIMITED – Notice of a general meeting of unitholders

Notice of a general meeting of unitholders

(Incorporated in the Republic of Namibia)
(Registration number 2001/673)
(“Oryx” or “the Company”)
(Share Code: ORY ISIN Code: NA0001574913) [7A1;7A3]
F Uys (Chairman)
A Angula (Ms)
JJ Comalie (Ms)
SI de Bruin
C Fourie
NBS Harris (South African)
JC Kuehhirt
MK Shikongo
A Swanepoel

Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of unit holders of the company will be held at the Kalahari
Sands Hotel, Elephant Room, 129 Independence Avenue, Windhoek at 09:00 on Tuesday, 4 August 2015
(“the general meeting”), for the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, passing with or without
modification, the ordinary resolution set out below.

The board of directors proposes a rights issue to current unit holders of one for every five units held. This equates to 13 210 002 authorised but unissued units being placed under the control of the directors until the next Annual General Meeting.

The board believes it is prudent to have a rights issue in order to:

  • lower the current and expected gearing levels of the company
  • mitigate the risk of possible interest rate increases
  • position the balance sheet (statement of financial position) for future expansionary activities.

Gearing levels are in excess of 40% and a limiting factor in considering any expansionary activity.

This resolution does not bind any unit holders to taking up their rights when the proposed rights issue
does take place, but to give the authority to the board to go ahead with the process of planning and
administering the rights issue. A circular giving detailed information about the rights issue and its
financial implications will be sent to unit holders in order for them to make an informed decision on
whether to exercise their rights.


“RESOLVED THAT 13 210 002 (Thirteen Million Two hundred and Ten Thousand and Two) unissued
authorised units be placed under the control of the directors for the purpose of a rights issue is hereby

A form of proxy is attached for the convenience of any unit holder who cannot attend the general
meeting. Forms of proxy may also be obtained on request from the company’s registered office. The
completed forms of proxy must be deposited at or posted to the office of the transfer secretaries of the
company, Transfer Secretaries (Proprietary) Limited, 4 Robert Mugabe Avenue, Windhoek (PO Box
2401, Windhoek) to be received by no later than 9:00 on Monday, 3 August 2015. Any member who
completes and lodges a form of proxy will nevertheless be entitled to attend and vote in person (to the
exclusion of the proxy) at the general meeting should the member subsequently decide to do so.


Transfer Secretaries is situated in the NSX building. When travelling on Robert Mugabe Avenue from the CBD toward Maerua Mall, turn left on Thorer Street and right at the T-junction [Burg Street]. Transfer Secretaries are in the 2nd building on the right.
By order of the board
E Pagel
Company Secretary
13 July 2015