Private Equity

IJG Capital is IJG’s focused development capital and equity fund manager

Providing equity and debt funding, extensive expertise and strategic know-how to businesses, and transaction advisory support to Namibia’s growing renewable energy sector.

Our Value Add

Active Investment Management

Our hands-on board involvement permits us to leverage our networks, apply cutting-edge business knowledge and exploit cross-sectional industry experience to co-drive strategy innovation within our portfolio companies.

Advanced Analytics & Specialist Financial Modelling

Comprehensive sensitivity modelling allows us to pinpoint critical success factors, identify key risks and focus on real-life assumption testing to map out potential investees’ financial and strategy needs.

Tailored Equity Investments

Investments into our portfolio companies are geared to optimize their funding structure, enhance their expansion strategy and meet client needs, including via majority or minority equity positions, mezzanine debt and vendor facilities.

Transacting & Arranging

We leverage our investor networks and transaction experience to provide clients the best in service with regards to fundraising and investment structuring. Our aim is to ensure the seamless execution of transactions, leading to optimal outcomes for our clients.

Infrastructure Asset Management

We have developed in-house expertise dedicated to servicing infrastructure assets, offering financial management, contract management, compliance management, insurance management, and interface management services.

Are you in need of any of the above?

Get in touch with us to book a meeting.

We Go Beyond

Our Investment Platforms

IJG Capital is the fund manager and service provider to the following investment funds and investment holding companies:

The Desert Stone Fund is a closed Namibia-focussed generalist growth capital fund started in May 2010 and is expected to expire in May 2023.

The IJG Frontier Investment Fund is a closed generalist Namibia-focussed development capital fund with a commencement date of 1 October 2015 and a lifespan of 10 years (extendable by a further 2 years).

Namibia Infrastructure Finance Limited (NIFCO) is a private equity investment company targeting renewable energy infrastructure projects in Namibia, jointly originated and managed by IJG Capital (Pty) Ltd and Old Mutual Investment Group (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd. NIFCO demonstrates Old Mutual’s and IJG’s commitment to responsible investment in Namibia’s infrastructure and further development for future generations.

We’re Waiting To Help You

Get in touch with us today and let’s transform your finances.